
Until what age can you practice karate? is there any age limits? until what age can you practice kumite?

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Until what age can you practice karate? is there any age limits? until what age can you practice kumite?




  1. No age limit. As a practical matter, most kids 6 or 7 and under don't have the basic coordination and the focus. But there are always exceptions.

    And, at the upper end, I've known people well into their 70s practicing karate. My uncle, who's 92, still plays tennis 3 times a week. I suspect that if he'd studied karate, he'd be in the dojo 3 times a week. It just depends on your physical fitness and your desire.

  2. praticing karate itself has no age limits. about 5yrs old or up.

    kumite sorry i cant comment on that.

  3. As far as I know as long as you have good health and are active you can practice from 8 until 80.

    Best wishes :)***

  4. No age limit,Kumite means fight,so you can fight until you fall over dead!

  5. you can practice karate at any age.

  6. The expiration date on your practicing martial arts is:

    "the day when you expire."

    For those not all that familiar with English -- "EXPIRE" is another word for "DIE."

  7. Age limits on martial arts are entirely up to you.  I have taught children as young as 3, and my sempai is now 63 years old, and still going strong.

  8. its illegal to practice karate if you under 17 or older than 35 as it is an art that teaches you to kill with your bare hands instantly. also,  no one really knows what age you can participate in the kumite because it is up to the international tribunal of karatedos and they never speak. they have taken an oath of silence and i am sorry but i was never invited to the kumite.

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