
Until when am I going to suffer jet leg???

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How long does it take a person to get used to the new time zone???

I just arrived to the Mediterranean area from the US east coast. There is a 7 hours difference.

It’s now 2:50 am where I'm at. For how long am I going to be awake at this kind of hour posting questions to yahoo answers??? lol




  1. It takes most people one day per hour of time difference to adjust to the change.  That means it takes a week to adjust to a 7-hour time difference. However, it gets easier as the days go by.  

    Some things to do are:

    Wake up and go to bed at local times. Lie in bed and rest even if you can't get to sleep. If you MUST take a nap during local daytime, don't sleep more than 3 hours even if someone has to pour cold water on you.

    Eat meals at local times

    Drink water or juice and avoid alcohol or drinks with caffeine. Part of "jet lag" is caused by the very dry air in the passenger cabin (= dehydration).

  2. Good luck.  I have more trouble going the other direction.  It took a week for me to get back on schedule.


  3. No specific rule, but a general rule is that it takes one-half to one day for each hour difference in time.


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