
Unusual transport to prom?

by Guest59262  |  earlier

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i want to go to prom in something different and unique, cause EVERYONE is going in Limos and there boring.

in that past they have had like army truck and fire engines and stuff.

but i have a group of 6 girls and were all abit bored of the limo idea.

we might have just the 6 of us but we could get more if its big.

any ideas for something unusual and not expensive?


Haz x




  1. Skydive.

  2. Maybe you could hire one of the Wiener-mobiles.

  3. Heh. My friends and I had the same idea for our Prom. Instead of taking a limo, we took a party bus. It wasn't completely outrageous, but we were the only ones who had a party bus and it was actually pretty fun. Much better than a limo if you ask me. :] Oh and the cost was about the same as a limo too. The only problem is that with a party bus you'd have to have more people.

    Hope you find something cool.

  4. hitchhike. that's cheap and unusual.

  5. Maybe helicopter? It's cool and makes a big entrance.  I have heard its not worth the dust cloud and all your perfect hairdos, being jacked up beyond repair in the first half second you step out of the thing. but dust would depend on landing surface. and your hairdo 's will be fine if they will shut down for you, which shouldn't take to long, might charge extra to shut down.

  6. See if you can find a pumkin shaped coach pulled by a bunch of mice.  Glass slippers are a MUST!  Congratulations, have fun, and be safe!

  7. you could get a limo that looks like a clown car or an offroad school bus

  8. To my ball, my friends and I took a red double-decker bus that used to work in London, it was soooo much fun! We sat on the top level, of course, and everyone on the streets stopped and waved at us and we were waving like crazy and taking photos. Everyone else was taking limos as well and we wanted to stand out. It was pretty cheap too, as we split the cost between us.

    Of course, where you live double-decker buses may be a bit of a rarity, but you never know :).

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