
Unwanted Guest?

by  |  earlier

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“Unwanted Guest”

I sneak in through the rafters,

And watch you from the ceiling.

You’re crying and scared,

But of what, I know not.

I am only here to do my job.

Innocent as a rose.

You all crowd around her.

She is but a spectacle

For you to poke and prod.

While I carry out my duty,

On this peaceful night.

You can’t blame me

For I know no better.

You only have

to accept what I do

And what I am.

Someone knows I’m here.

The animals and children sense,

But the adults fear.

I find it odd, in my profession

For mere children to understand

And forget

As they reach Adulthood,

What I mean.

For I am Death.

But I have no time to linger,

Upon such trivial matters

As understanding human nature.

For I am not one of them,

I’m just doing my job.




  1. It's really good, not overdone, but I don't like the "I'm just doing my job"--the wording--maybe 'carrying out duty' or something, because your poetry is soft, and where it's interjected by 'doing my job' which is such a hard-sounding phrase it just breaks the mood completely.  (line 5 & last line.)

  2. It's haunting and beautiful.  I wouldn't change a thing.
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