
Unwanted cosmetic products/toiletries?

by Guest409  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of anywhere that you can donate unused toiletries such as soap, bubble bath, shampoo etc (in the UK)? I am clearing out before a move and have loads of this sort of thing that has been given as birthday or christmas presents. Is there anywhere I can donate this stuff so it isn't wasted? I have given some stuff away for charity raffles etc but I can't do this with smaller items.

Sensible suggestions please. Thanks for your help :)




  1. If it's not too much to ask, I would LOVE to get free cosmetic! I don't have very many cosmetics where I live because I live in a very small town.

    If I gave you my email address, would you mind emailing me so we could talk this over? It would make my day! (

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