
Unwanted fetus or unwanted motherhood?

by Guest56314  |  earlier

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What could the fetus do inside the womb that would make it unwanted?

So the people who abort are often doing it for what they want or do not want with themselves as a person?

Is it okay to deem this as a valid reason to allow something as serious as taking a human life?




  1. No, I don't believe so, I know a lot of people will come up with a million reasons why abortion is okay. My opinion though is that it is not. People say so you would rather have the baby grow up and be beaten because they are not wanted. That to me is a completely ridiculous statement because there is another 'A' word it is called Adoption, there are many people out there who's only wish is to have the miracle of having a child, but can't.  Life is a gift and to throw it away is just wrong.


    Life begins at birth, are you kidding me, have you ever seen a ultrasound. Wow I have heard some things before, but nothing like that.

  2. How is it that murder replaces abuse? Are these the only two options some of these people can  come up with?  

    If I don't kill it, then I'll abuse it....WTF is going on?

    Legalizing all forms of crime to protect the perpetrators is the way society is headed.  Where are the laws protecting the victims?     If I am assaulted and a pregnancy is ended due to this, I have no legal way of pursuing justice because we have to protect the rights of people who choose to abort their children.  

    They not only put no value in their baby, but they have stolen the value of mine.

    Tell me...where is the justice in that?

  3. I think that a woman has an abortion because the man who impreganted her was a loser. There are winners and losers in life. Male losers conceive offspring who get aborted. Any questions?

  4. I do not think that the unborn fetus can do anything to make a mother not want it. it is the mother who doesn't want it or can't accept that she is pregnant and it was unplanned. i feel it is not okay just because it is legal. I feel it is legal because there are woman who will have it done even if it wasn't legal therefore putting her life in danger to get rid of it so i feel it is legal to safely remove the fetus for unwanted pregnancies. that doesn't make it okay just legal and done safely.

  5. There are soooo many ways to prevent pregnancy I don't understand if they don't want to have a baby why not prevent it? One abortion shame on them,Two abortions tie their tubes!! Unless it is a rape baby because even though it's not right the constant reminder isn't always a good thing for the mother which in return isn't always good on the child.

  6. It has nothing to do with the baby or fetus. People who abort for selfish reasons rarely think of the fetus as a potential human beings and just think about how it owuld have a 'negative' impact on their life. So for their stupid mistake, they have to kill an innocent life. It's absurd.

  7. it depends on the reasoning behind it, would you rather someone abort a unwanted child or have the child and beat and neglect it because it wasn't wanted. I'm Pro choice i think it is a womans choice what she wants to do with her body, on the other hand i am also pro birth control, if you don't want a child use protection.

  8. life begins at birth

    the end


    it is a very simple concept i would think you could grasp it.


    your LIFE begins when you are BORN.

    that is why it is your birthday, you are not 9 months old when you are born.

    now i am not saying i would have my wife abort something i am just saying that you cannot judge someone and think that it is wrong for someone to make the choice of abortion using the argument that they are killing a child and all that whooplaa.

    life begins at birth not as a fetus is feeding off of the mother like a parisite.

    so get off the horse and keep your nose in your own business.

  9. It does not matter the reason; the point is that it's so strongly unwanted that a woman would risk a surgical procedure to get rid of it. To me, that's valid.

    I've actually saved a copy-paste response of mine to MS word for abortion questions:

    I'll get into the morality issue of the act itself more in the next few paragraphs, but I'd like to start off with the VERY basic reason why it has to remain legal in any humane society. Because women will get them whether or not it is legal. Roe V Wade did NOT create abortion in the United States; it had been going on forever. Before Roe V Wade, however, women terminated their pregnancies by throwing themselves down staircases or sticking foreign objects up their v****a-- including the legendary coathangers we all joke about today, as well as broom handles and sometimes knives.

    Writes retired doctor Waldo L Fielding in his article for the New York times:

    "Almost any implement you can imagine had been and was used to start an abortion — darning needles, crochet hooks, cut-glass salt shakers, soda bottles, sometimes intact, sometimes with the top broken off."

    Obviously, these methods are EXTREMELY dangerous and many of those who used them died, but women preferred them to their unwanted pregnancies.

    Another part of the article really sticks out for me:

    "The worst case I saw, and one I hope no one else will ever have to face, was that of a nurse who was admitted with what looked like a partly delivered umbilical cord. Yet as soon as we examined her, we realized that what we thought was the cord was in fact part of her intestine, which had been hooked and torn by whatever implement had been used in the abortion. It took six hours of surgery to remove the infected uterus and ovaries and repair the part of the bowel that was still functional."

    Basically, anyone who truly values human life should fight for abortion to remain legal.

    Onto the "morality" issue-- I often hear the argument, "Well, she should have kept her legs closed!"

    To me, that argument is utterly absurd, because it's using pregnancy as a PUNISHMENT for a woman's sexual behaviors. This concept of "taking responsibility"? I personally don't find any of the options available to women with unwanted pregnancies "responsible." There's abortion, adoption, and keeping the child. First of all, giving birth doesn't do wonders for the overpopulation crisis; second of all, putting a child up for adoption is a really tough decision to make, since not all children are going to get adopted. Keeping the child might seem all warm and rosy, but if a woman doesn't have the financial resources, maturity, or desire to take care for the child, it's not doing anyone any favors.

    The argument that we should focus ENTIRELY on birth control-- and that doing so will mean there is no more need for abortion-- is at best naïve (though there should be more of a focus on birth control!).

    When used FLAWLESSLY, the condom is 98% effective, which means 2 out of every 100 women will get pregnant, and with TYPICAL use (meaning the way MOST PEOPLE use it) it's only 85% effective, which means 15 out of every 100 women will get pregnant. And with abstinence-only education in so many schools, well, you can imagine how rarely a condom is used PERFECTLY.

    There are 500 students in the class of 2009 at my school-- 250 young women.

    Now, obviously they're not ALL having s*x. But even in our Educated Upper-Middle-Class City™, there is a girl at my school who is pregnant and keeping it. And other girls at my school have probably had pregnancy scares, needed the Morning After Pill, maybe even had abortions (The Morning After Pill, by the way, can only be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies by persons of 18 years of age or older; other than that, Planned Parenthood or the doctor's office are the only options, and if you're not on health insurance and don't have a Planned Parenthood center nearby, you're out of luck).

    Obviously the best solution is to use a backup method along with a condom-- but that doesn't eliminate the risk entirely and condoms can still break. Spermicides can cause allergic reactions; birth control pills shouldn't be mixed with certain meds; many teens rely on their parents to schedule doctor appointments, minimizing their likelihood of getting fitted for cervical caps.

    If I were having s*x, and had an unplanned pregnancy, would I get an abortion? h**l yes I would! I'm a kid, and a kid is the LAST thing I need. Do I think that's the best solution for everyone? No. But that option should always be available.

    Some people believe that abortion should only be available in cases of rape; but do you realize how long it would take to go to trial to determine that? By that point, the woman would already have given birth!

    Some people argue that abortion should only be available "if the mother's life is in danger." But pregnancy will ALWAYS have a long-term impact on a woman's health, and besides, didn't you read my first post? Her life IS at stake if she doesn't want the pregnancy, 'cause she'll get an abortion one way or the other!

  10. both.  the fetus exists which is what makes it unwanted.  h**l, people get rid of tons of things they just don't want - they'll actually drive into the woods and hunt something down, just to kill it.  they do this every day.

    don't want fat?  get rid of it.  don't want to age?  get surgery making you look younger.  don't want laws?  disobey them.  don't want the old tv?  toss it into the landfill.  don't want your old car?  lease a new one.  don't want the ramifications of s*x?  get an abortion.  btw, it's not a human life - it has the potential of being a human which brings me to admitting I know of many many many humans that shudda been abortions.

  11. A fetus will be a baby and will be a huge responsibility to the parents. Some people prefer their way of life and having a child will get in their way of it. So rather than pony up and be responsible, they decide that their life is more important.

    I wonder if they stopped to think that their parents thought otherwise about them.

  12. Some people don't believe they would be a good parrent, other people don't want their life to be messed up with a baby.

    People that abort don't see it as a human being.

  13. To experience the full consequence of our behavior is to learn and grow accepting the challenges of our own lives and the innocent life we create and bond with to fully understand the patience, kindness, humility of ourselves, the purpose and function of life, it is both rewarding and forgiving in labors of Love for the rest of our own life.

    To abort a child is to cut from your body a part of yourself, your acceptance of who you are and your unique capability to touch life in its purity, innocence and awareness of your own life's value and meaning. Love isn't Love until you offer it to someone besides yourself. It is a gift we give ourselves.  An unwanted child is a haunting of past, present and future. The resistance to deny your own destiny cheats ones self of faith, honor, respect, determination and acceptance of your own actions. Your body is responding to commands and there is no exemption from abortion, it is a child of you and the responsibility yours as real as caring for your own arms, legs, face, feet and most important your soul, mental, emotional and physical well being.  Your child is your redemption of life in its purist form.

    Abortions have made many women hollow and shallow and I can mourn their loss but I will never accept the practice of abortion as anything than what it is, an intentional killing of a child.

    I am only thankful that my belief's offer me the comfort of knowing there is a Heaven and Holy Father who is caring for these unwanted children.

  14. Noone has any right to tell a woman what to do with their body, thats why this is america, we have the freedom to make our own choices, and until your in the same situation as alot of woman you have no right to judge them.

  15. I believe abortion is murder.  And unwanted baby?  Are you kidding?  There are so many families wanting to adopt it's crazy!  So that is certainly no excuse.  If you don't want a baby,  give it to someone who does.  That's not so far-fetched.  I can understand if you've been raped,  are a teen or are about to go through menopause,  but an abortion won't help you get over any emotional problems.  When I get married I'm going to adopt!

  16. I think  women do it because if they go thru the the pregancy it will alter their life completely and some women are not ready to change there life style to accomadate and child. I guess they find it easier to abort it then have it a put it up for adoption. Well what ever the choice is they have to live with it.

  17. It's the PREGNANCY that's unwanted.

    Read up on what prgnancy does to females, and you might begin to understand. Since it's the pregnant prson's body affected, it's the pregnant person's right to decide whether to continue or terminate.

  18. It is a chicken and egg question.  When is it life?  And at what point does it become human?  According to reincarnation theory, it is 'human life' the moment the new born get a soul from the other side.  That can be immediate, at conception or after the child is born.  When the doctor, starts to clear his voice to declare a stillborn, and the baby starts to cry. (A soul entered.)  It is my opinion that the baby in the equation is only an object, the subject(s) are the mother, father, grandparents and siblings.  Or would you like to have a mother that is 11 years older then you?  Or a grandmother of 27?


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