
Unwanted tenants that are on the blacklist?

by Guest62465  |  earlier

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Unwanted tenants that are on the blacklist?




  1. all s*x offenders and their children and wife and parents

    In california you can't denied them just because they are s*x offender

  2. I have worked in Real Estate. If you approved their rental application then that is your problem. Your real estate agent should have checked if they were on the black list prior to approving it.

    You don't really have a leg to stand on if they are on a lease and you want them gone, UNLESS they are damaging the property.

    But you could contact your state's real estate authority and ask their advice. There may be a loophole, or you may even get your agent in trouble for negligence.

  3. ## YES ! I am a apartment manger of a 4 family flat here in (south ) St.louis,Mo 63118 and I have rented to alot of people over the years that are "Black-- females -all single w/wochildren

    that were evicted for rent  increase ,non payment of rent & etc ! " There should be  a  'INTERNATIONAL  LIST ' , in detail , of 'DEAD BEAT -- WORTHLESS  FREE LOADERS -- males females  that never paid rent for any reason!'

  4. And your question is…

  5. Unwanted tenants that are on the blacklist?  Is this a statement or a question?

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