
Up to 9th grade would kids call you ugly if you were not?

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I am in 9th grade and till this kids would always call me ugly. It would always hurt my feelings. My mom insist that I am not ugly and that I am pretty but she is my mom and all mothers think that there child is beautiful. But all the kids (last year) would call me ugly and I would sometimes cry. I did not understand why some people would be so cruel. I try not to let it get to me now. But it is hard. From being call these names A LOT (I mean alot not just a few times but alot), my self esteem has suffered alot. I wear huge cloths and it is hard for me to speak to anyone. It has also made my academic grade suffered. Some people have told me that I was pretty but i dont know if it was sencere or they were trying to be nice and boost my confidence. So my question is would alot of students call you ugly if you were not? Or were they just giving there honest opinion?




  1. Yes, they will.  It's sort of group bullying.  They've identified someone to call "ugly" and they have been enjoying your reaction through the years.  It doesn't matter what you look like, you're the one they all call ugly.  Someone else has been identified as "geek" and someone else as "s**t," - you know.  It doesn't matter that they aren't geek or s**t, it's just a game to those kids.

    So sorry it's happening to you.  Know that those losers will be in the same town working as cashiers and wearing the same old tired perm in 15 years, while you're off to college & wonderful cool friends & experiences.  

    What they're doing has nothing to do with your looks.  After all, it's pretty hard for a little elementary school kid (when this started) to be "ugly."  If you're around Grade 9, then you're just at the point where, in these next couple of years, you'll really come into your looks.  Hang in there.  Try to find self-esteem somewhere else.  If you are gorgeous, that's still no place to find your self-esteem.  Find it inside you, in your kindness and intelligence and sense of humor.

  2. post a pic

  3. there has been people that have done this to me. its because in 8th grade they have a popularity complex. this carries on to 9th grade and they think it is ok cuz they have been doing it for so long. there is always low confidence i those people who make fun of you. its not b/c your ugly. its alot of the times envy or their low confidence. they feel bad about themselves so they try their hardest to break others down. your almost like their scapgoat from their inner problems. they did it to me b/c i used to dress goth. i wasnt ugly i wasnt a **** i just was different and they found it important to pick on me to feel better about them selves.

    i stopped dressing goth when i was in 9th grade but i still got picked on. i did for a few years. they were conditioned to think it was ok to pick on me. they swithced from making fun of me to talking about me in the locker room in their top 5 (if you know what i mean).

    it took a while for people to grow up. i still have confidence issues. i wont wear skirts to school or a bathing suit on feild trips, im always looking at my self in the mirror and picking at my self. but i am slowly recovering like they slowly matured.

    7th through 9th grade sucks. mostly its the guys. but it will cjamge. your not ugly the other people are just ugly on the inside and want to tear your confidence apart so theirs isnt so wounded.

    i also made bad grades when i was getting picked on. now im a straight a student and top 10% of my class.  

    good luck!

  4. dont worry my freind calls me ugly all the time and im EXREAMLY good looking :)

  5. Yes, they will.  It's sort of group bullying.  They've identified someone to call "ugly" and they have been enjoying your reaction through the years.  It doesn't matter what you look like, you're the one they all call ugly.  Someone else has been identified as "geek" and someone else as "****," - you know.  It doesn't matter that they aren't geek or ****, it's just a game to those kids.

    So sorry it's happening to you.  Know that those losers will be in the same town working as cashiers and wearing the same old tired perm in 15 years, while you're off to college & wonderful cool friends & experiences.  

    What they're doing has nothing to do with your looks.  After all, it's pretty hard for a little elementary school kid (when this started) to be "ugly."  If you're around Grade 9, then you're just at the point where, in these next couple of years, you'll really come into your looks.  Hang in there.  Try to find self-esteem somewhere else.  If you are gorgeous, that's still no place to find your self-esteem.  Find it inside you, in your kindness and intelligence and sense of humor.

  6. some kids just say that.

    i can relate to you except im in 8th grade.

    no one says im ugly since i let my hair out and wore clothes that fit lol

    heres what i look like now

  7. They're just idiots who like to put other people down, and then other idiots follow them thinking it's cool don't pay attention, be who  you are.

  8. No don't listen to those kids, usually they are just trying to cover up their insecurities by making fun of others. If anything, they were the ones that had problems, not you.

  9. High School is hard.

    There will always be those people who believe that by putting others down, they're boosting their own self-esteem.

    As others have mentioned, people only say mean things to others because they are jealous. There isn't much you can do to change their minds.

    Keep your chin up;  I know it's hard sometimes.

    But remember what they often seem to forget.

    High school is only four years. What comes after is a life time.

    These people who call you and anyone else ugly now, will severely regret it later on in life, when you become more famous, more powerful, more beautiful than they are.

    What's in your heart is what's most important.

    People will always love you for your personality; there will always be people out there who find you beautiful for who you are.

  10. Pfft..I know how it feels

    Im in Year 9 and always get it. I have no confidence and often get depressed too.

    Kids are b******s sometimes (excuse swearing). I've learnt now that most of them are totally insecure with themselves and downright stupid. Just hold your head high and work hard. You'll be the one laughing when you got good job and future and they're unemployed with twelve kids and on their own.

    And besides, I dont think there is anyone actually UGLY. Its usuallly what you're personality is like not what you are now

  11. students would call you ugly to be mean. not to be honest.

    Typical teenagers do mean things like that.

    dont worry :)

  12. there has been people that have done this to me. its because in 8th grade they have a popularity complex. this carries on to 9th grade and they think it is ok cuz they have been doing it for so long. there is always low confidence i those people who make fun of you. its not b/c your ugly. its alot of the times envy or their low confidence. they feel bad about themselves so they try their hardest to break others down. your almost like their scapgoat from their inner problems. they did it to me b/c i used to dress goth. i wasnt ugly i wasnt a s**t i just was different and they found it important to pick on me to feel better about them selves.

    i stopped dressing goth when i was in 9th grade but i still got picked on. i did for a few years. they were conditioned to think it was ok to pick on me. they swithced from making fun of me to talking about me in the locker room in their top 5 (if you know what i mean).

    it took a while for people to grow up. i still have confidence issues. i wont wear skirts to school or a bathing suit on feild trips, im always looking at my self in the mirror and picking at my self. but i am slowly recovering like they slowly matured.

    7th through 9th grade sucks. mostly its the guys. but it will cjamge. your not ugly the other people are just ugly on the inside and want to tear your confidence apart so theirs isnt so wounded.

    i also made bad grades when i was getting picked on. now im a straight a student and top 10% of my class.  

    good luck!

  13. dont listen to them.

    sometimes they are just jealous. you are you. you are unique.  you are a different shade of color. just be yourself, and dont listen to anybody but yourself.

  14. Give us a picture

  15. Just because they say that, does not mean you are. Do you ever fight back or stand up for yourself? If not, maybe they see you as an easy target. I know it is VERY hard, but you need to stop listening to them. They are wrong, I'm sure you are very pretty. One thing you could try is over summber break is to get a little confdent, wear nicer clothes, get your hair done ect. When you go back to school, everyone will just go WOW!!

  16. thats so mean what they are doing! well, kids would most definetely call you ugly even if you werent, and i will tell you why. kids are mean to you because they know it hurts you. the kids that are nasty are the ones with low self esteem themselves, and want to take out their pain on somebody else, so they insult you because they know itll get to you and make them feel better. they probably just started with ugly, saw that it bothered you, and kept calling you that. im sure it isnt true. heres what i think you should do. act confident with yourself! wear better fitting clothes, and hold your head up high. if you show that your confident with who you are, and act like you couldnt care even a LITTLE about what they think, theyll stop. and if they still do, dont say a word. just smile and say something like, "well thanks for your opinion, too bad it doesnt matter to me." theyll be shocked, and i really believe that eventually theyll leave you alone. im sure your not ugly, you cant let kids like that get to you! good luck!

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