
Up to know, d**k Cheney has been a good president ?

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Up to know, d**k Cheney has been a good president ?




  1. Who? what kida bullshit?

    oh ! you mean that poor guy expecting he could be president one day?

    what's the f*ck, anyway?

  2. you live where? Cheney has never been President.

  3. Yes, where do you live? He is the VICE president. :o)

  4. d**k Cheney has been the reigning Vice President...and not a very good one.  Now, stay in the know....

  5. I don't think.

  6. I think puppet master would be more accurate of a description.

  7. Uh, this is where giving Details of what you mean would be a GOOD thing. We don't know whether you realize Cheney's position is VP and you're saying that he's really been running things, or you're just confused.

    To answer your question, the current administration has been the worst nightmare for this country since the Civil War (if not even worse than that was).

  8. Did you forget to take your meds this morning?

  9. Well he may have been defacto the last seven years. I don't know. But as VP or president he has been miserable.....

  10. The best!

    Hugs 'n Kisses!!! '08

  11. I think he means that d**k Cheney has been running the Nation instead of Bush behind the OZ curtain.  

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