
Upcoming drug test for the USN at MEPS. ?

by  |  earlier

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Here I am yet again, finding myself in a dilemma. I have a drug test coming up for the USN, at MEPS. (Military Entrance Processing Station). I have been clean thus far for one week as of today, 25 Aug 08. I will be shipping out to boot camp on 8 Sep 08, and will be taking a drug test on that day. The test that will be used is the GC/MS. Now, I have been exercising on a regular basis, taking the weekends off for the last week. I usually run about 2 miles every time I go to the gym. I am 6'0ft, 190lbs. I have 2 weeks left to get the rest of these "toxins" out of my body. I have been keeping well hydrated and eating foods with lots of fiber.

Do you guys and gals think I will be clean in time for my drug test? I know that I did this to myself, and please, if you are going to just reply just to say "stop smoking", then you might as well just not post a reply. I was a chronic user usually smoking 1-2 grams a day.




  1. Feel free to continue smoking.  It is your right; however, we can also sleep easy that you are going to pop positive since Mary Jo typically will be in your system for up to 30 days.  Once you pop you are going to find yourself on your way home and those of us who are serving out in the fleet won't have to worry about you having our backs.

    On a positive note, it is your right to smoke.  You need to realize that it isn't acceptable in many lines of work so if you choose to do it you will exclude yourself from those areas.  Not a big deal as long as you recognize that up front.

  2. First step...tell all of what you have told here to your recruiter.  Extended drug use...and there is no way to say you weren't an addict with daily an automatic disqualifier.  Either you didn't tell your recruiter or he has told you not to mention it.  If it is the first, time to be an adult and be honest.  If it is the second, it is clear he doesn;t see it as an issue.  You may be able to get your departure date pushed back, but it is going to take a minimum of 30 days for you to come close to passing, especially if it more than a simple urine test.  And, you should realize that this is not the only drug test you will face.  There will many as the military feels like giving them, as often as they want and with no warning.  Get caught once and your military career is over..possibly in a way that can affect your career options as a civilian.  Be sure you are in a place that you will not put your fellow sailors at risk...fess up your usage to your recruiter, accept what he says and then work hard to clean up and stay clean.  

  3. Drink lots of cranberry juice,

    also buy vitamin b-complex, helps cleanse your body more too. But you have to drink a lot of water.. and keep working out like crazy.. and good luck on it getting out

    but you shouldn't of smoked.

  4. no, you're gonna pop positive. way to go. i look forward to serving my country with you...

  5. as a chronic user of that much c**p no way in h**l will you pee clean.   do your recruiter a Favor and drop out of DEP NOW.. because when you fail the pee test you will be permanently done.   NO branch will touch you.

    Plus you are PDQd for being addicted anyway.  longterm use or more than a dozen times over a lifetime is a PDQ.   bet you did one of two things: never told your recruiter you were a druggie, or let him talk you OUT of disclosing.  either way: YOUR  future is hosed.  not his.  

  6. If you weren't a chronic user 2 weeks would have been more than enough time but if you are as chronic a user as all that it could take a few months. really its all about your body and how fast it operates. I guess the best you can do is drink lots of water get your hands on some niacin and head to the sona and sweat it out. I would cut that part of your life out though, eventually they will find out. Good luck

  7. Their are way too many factors dealing with it to be able to tell you for certain if you will or wont. However I would say you most likely will and you should have realized this a long time ago. I think you need to learn to practice more self control, your inability to control yourself and sacrifice that joint should show you that maybe it's not best to enter the Military at this time. On the other note if you feel this doesn't apply to you simply tell your recruiter you need more time, if he asks why tell him you will not be able to ship on that day and you gurantee MEPs will not take you and you need more time, he should get the message and you should get more time to get clean.

  8. Talk to your recruiter and see if you can put things on hold until you can get it together.  Don't lie.

    If you can't get it together, it's best to find out before you're on a bus to be dropped off outside of the gate.

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