
Upcoming high school dance?

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theres a dance coming up really soon (and i am WAY EXCITED FOR IT!). ive been to dances before and i know i'm gona have a GREAT time with my friends. its gona b a freshman/sophomore dance, i'm a freshman, and my crush is a sophomore. can anyone out there give me advice on how to approach him? (in my school, the grades dont really mix... like as far as i know, hardly any freshman chat with any sophomores, juniors, seniors. but i guess the upside is that i KNOW hes noticed me.)

please no "just go up to him." i dont wana miss this chance. i'll b happy enough to end up just friends with him.




  1. It has been a long time since I last had a "crush" but back in my high school days I would arrange "random" run-ins. Just happen to be in the same place, same time (next to each other) and see what he does.

    If that doesn't work (dances can be hard because they are loud and chaotic) join something that he does either in school or out. I would find out something that he does outside of school as that would give you a way to get around how the grades don't really talk at school. You don't want to put him in an weird situation with his friends or that could turn out bad. No-one wants to be made fun of by their friends!

    This would 1) Show you have common interests 2)You can impress him with your personality and 3) Give you a more approachable and quiet way to get to know eachother.

    Just remember to be yourself. I know people (especially older people) say that allllll the time, but it is true. He needs to like you for you and he has to know the real you. You don't want him to realise someday that you were fake, do you?

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