
Upconvert DVD players... need help!?

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I just purchased a new lcd HDTV 1080p and I was wondering if I should purchase an upconvert DVD player. Do they really make a difference as opposed to a regular one? And if so, which one should I purchase for the best quality picture?




  1. I would avoid this. Get a real HD player. Either a BluRay or HD-DVD.

    I have seen 2-3 posts here that go like this:

    "My new up-converting DVD player stretches the image, but it looks bad. Help!"

    While some of the players do a good job like the Oppo, it is basically like putting a magnifying glass over a small TV and calling it a big screen.  It cannot add information, detail, resolution that was not in the original DVD.

    And your HDTV already does up-conversion.

    Get a REAL HD player. It will serve you better in the long run.

  2. Get and Toshiba HD-DVD - you can find them now for under $180 and get up to 10 free movies!  It makes a great upconverting DVD - better than any regular DVD player on in this price range.

    You can get inexpensive HDMI (under 10$) cables at

  3. Yes I would recommend it.  The standard dvd players can only support up to 480p but the upconvert DVD players can support up to 1080p, which is truly amazing picture quality.  I would buy a good upconvert dvd brand such as LG, Samsung, Toshiba, Sony,  or Panasonic.  Prices are less than $100 for these dvd players.

    You might need to buy a HDMI cable to connect the dvd player to your HDTV.  It might be or not be included when you buy the upconvert DVD Player.

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