
Update on Canadian Bus Beheading?

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I was thoroughly horrified by this tragic occurance that happened last month. Does anyone have any links to how the story is progressing? I despise how the news/websites just tell you the day it happens for shock value, and then drop the story altogether like it doesn't mean anything to anyone anymore.

I want to know what justice is going to be served, what the guys motives were (if any). Does anyone know anything more about this?




  1. All witnesses have so far had no explanation as to what led this man to hack the victim to death and eat some of the pieces.

    He apparently did it for no reason.

    As for the time he will serve, we don't know yet, because he's still in court. We only know he's been charged with 2nd degree murder, pleaded guilty on August 5th and was ordered to see a psychiatrist that could help the judge decide his mental state at the time of the murder.

  2. Maybe the story was dropped by the media at the request of the poor lads parents. What more ghoulish details do you need?  

  3. um the motive ? he was a wing nut. Its strange to see something like this in canada  I must say.

  4. What bothers me most about this crime, aside from the murder itself, is that last I heard the canadian government was only charging this lowlife with 2nd degree murder! That's just ridiculous to me that they'd pursue a lesser charge for a horrific murder like this, of a 22 year old kid no less.

    The guy will be going to one of canada's country club prisons and probably be eligible for release in like ten years! I really hope he's put to death by another prisoner, in as brutal a fashion as he killed that kid.

    So far as I know, there was no motive whatsoever. The poor kid was sleeping.

  5. Last I heard the judge ordered a psych. evaluation. I don't suspect we will hear much more until they finish that.

  6. Update: The guy is still dead. The killer is still in jail.  

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