
Update on murder play. How to avoid autopsy. Here are more plot details.?

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Thanks for suggs so far. Plot may be too complex? Identical male twins,middle aged, run business together. Twin A (unmarried) is having affair with wife of twin B. Twin B is abusive b***rd. Adulterous couple kill twin B, and twin A takes his place. (motives: jealousy/money). After killing twin B, twin A swops watches, jewellry etc etc. Clothes not a problem as take same size/shoes etc. Have to dispose of body, or make it unrecognisable, hence reason for avoiding autopsy (disitnguishable marks/old illnesses). Suggs please?




  1. You want suggestions on how to avoid getting an autopsy?

    Simple, don't let them find the body. They can't do an autopsy if there isn't a body. Have the body:

    a) Burnt as an extremely high temperature (like what they use in crematoriums) then have them bury the ashes

    b) Chucked it a canal and weighed down

    c) Buried really deep somewhere (preferably on their private land, less likely to get found)

    d) Buried in a building site, say the day before the concrete floor goes down the body gets buried, but would only really work if the builder is in on it  

    f) Buried in a coffin with another body

    Don't know whether any of them would work with your play, but all would prevent a autopsy.

  2. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's already been done

    David Thewliss played both parts

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