
Update on telling my baby father?URGENT!!?

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Right basically he phoned me about an hour ago and asked if i have come on my peroid,I told him i have not and i think you know the rest.

So now he knows and does not want it,he is sayin hes too young (18)

and that he does not see him self having a baby right now.He wants a better life and this and that.I understand where he is comeing from I'm 16 but i can not have an abortion,I just can not go through with that again,i know it is gonna be really hard but i can not get rid of my baby.

What do i say ,do and what do i tell him??




  1. If your open to the idea of adoption, look into that. There's open adoption where you can still be involved with the baby's life but the baby gets a better life than you can provide at 16. It's worth it to look into it, at least. Good luck.

  2. I didn't see myself having a baby at 20 but it happens. If you plan to have the baby then tell him. If he is worth keeping around he will support your decision. It was both of yours decision to possibly make the baby and if he was worried about the outcome then he should have said something. Now it is too late for him to decide. It is now up to you.

    I agree Marks wife is rude. I realize birth control doesn't always work. The pill for instance doesn't mix well with antibiotics. You are younger than I was but if you think you are mature enough to raise the baby you should. Hopefully your family is behind you 100%. If not they will be once the baby is here. Mine took a long time to come around. If not then you can always put the baby up for adoption. Nowadays adopted kids are always looking for there parents so you could have a relationship with them when they are older.  

  3. he needs to fu(kn gro sum ballz its his kid to tell him to be a man !

  4. Ultimately it's your choice. But if you don't want to keep your child to raise put it up for adoption to someone who really wants a child. Best wishes.

  5. 'I'm 16 but i can not have an abortion,I just can not go through with that again'

    .. 'AGAIN?'

    you mean you didn't learn to keep your legs CLOSED the first time?

    Seriously, lady! If you want to act like a WOMAN and have s*x, then you need to act like a WOMAN and take care of your child! It's your uterus! Just because he wants to be a little boy and run away, you don't have that option.

    And sorry, 'we' can't 'help you' .. we didn't get you in this mess.

    After your first abortion you should have never opened your legs again!

    Don't act like a woman and lay with a man, then come on here and act like a little girl...

    Yeah, you've been in a relationship for 2 1/2 years and he 'loves you so much' that he wants you to keep killing babies! UMM, YEAH, that's 'love.'

  6. If you are not going to have an abortion (I wouldn't either) then you can either keep it, or give it up for adoption.  If you want to keep it, tell him you're keeping it, he can't force you to do anything you don't want to do.  I know more than a few people who had their first child at 16 or 17 and have made very good mothers and have wonderful children, I know a lady with 3 kids who's first was born when she was 16 and he is now 27 and happily married with two kids of his own.  Everything will work out okay, you can do this, it will be hard, but if you believe you can do it, you can.

    Good luck!

  7. you tell him that you got me into this mess and your gonna get me out.  

  8. If he chooses not to be a part of the baby's life then there really is nothing you can do about it.  Legally you can get money from him to help pay for the baby of course.  Give it some time to sink in as well.

    Are you sure you are ready for this?  I applaud you for not getting an abortion.  Have you considered adoption?  I think a lot of people in our position don't know much about adoption, open adoption especially.

    Either way, I hope you tell your parents ASAP.  You will need them.  Start taking your vitamins as well and schedule and appointment with your DR.  I got pregnant at 16, so I'm not making any judgments, trust me.  

    I wish you the best of luck, and just remember, you can'choosese him to be a part of this all.  

  9. Easy answer - tell him you intend on keeping the baby, and regardless of what he wants, he is going to be a father and will be expected to pay child support. You can't force him to be a father to this child, so be prepared to be a single parent. Hopefully he will man up on his own and face responsibilities once he gets over the initial shock and fear.

  10. Despite what the father has to say its up to you to decide whether or not you want to keep your baby. Because the father doesn't want to take responsibility for both of y'all actions its best that you sit with your parents and talk about the future of your child. I know you are still in school and cant possibly do it on your own so its like giving your parents permission to help take care of your child. Hopefully you will make the best decision for you and your baby. Also i would like to add that it may be best to get on some birth control after this baby

  11. tell him to step up and be a man...

    and if he doesn't, for heavens sake please keep your legs closed.  

  12. sorry but you cant go thru that again!!! where are your parents and why didn't you learn the first time to keep your legs closed! please do the world a favor and get on birth control before you do this again!

  13. Ok, first and foremost, you need to CHILL OUT! You are not going to help your baby by freaking out like this...especially to people on the internet. When you post questions on an open forum such as this and ask for opinions or answers, odds are you are going to get some that you don't want. You just have to deal with it. You stated that you can't go through with an abortion again. Abortion is a very touchy subject with people so you can expect to get some rude answers. It may not be fair but it's just the way it is. Your situation is a difficult one but ultimately, it is all your decision. It is your body so you get to make the choice to have the baby or not. I personally believe in owning up to your responsibilities, therefore I would say keep the baby. If the father does not want to be a part of the child's life, that is his decision to make. There are plenty of single mothers out there who get by. You are in a tough spot because you are only 16. I won't lie to you, it's not going to be easy. But what in life really is? You made the adult decision to have s*x and now you have to deal with the consequences like an adult. I am not being rude, just honest so if you feel the need to go off on me as well, you better believe I will report you. Good luck to you with whatever you choose and know that you are not the only one who has gone through this and you and your baby will be ok.  

  14. Well i would just tell him that he was mature enough to make that baby, so now he needs to be mature enough to take responsibility for the baby. There is no taking it back so it's your decision but i would just lay it out for him and give him no breaks, but that's just me.

  15. well you just need to tell him that your keeping the baby and there really isnt much he can do about it. tell him he can be as involved as he wants...and child support is a bit*h

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