
Update on the baby boy adopted during the 70's how can i find him?

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I am the birth mother of the baby boy; who is now a 38 year old man. I don't have much information to find him but I give what i can.

He was born in Miami, Florida on January 7,1971 in Jackson Memorial Hospital. He was under temporary care by the Catholic Service Bureau then he was committed for adoption by the 11th Judicial Circuit Court In and For Dade County, Florida on September 14, 1973.

I have applied to ISRR along with many other registries to find him but i haven't received any feedback least not yet. I am close to the age of 60 and even at this age i think about going back to where it began but that is a last resort if nothing is heard.

Im trying to believe in hope when there seems to be none. I'm nervous and having doubts as well, thinking he might hate me for all these years. But he is my son and I want to be part of his life. I hope this goes well.

Thank you




  1. Hi.    I, too, gave up my son in the 70's.  At the time, it was the best decision for him.  I was unmarried, the 'father' refused to accept responsibility.  I don't regret my decision, but I will say giving a child up for adoption is something you NEVER get over.  To me, it's worse than loosing a child in death.  There's no closure.  If my son wants to find me, I will be there with open arms.  Whatever terms he wants.  I wish you much luck in your search.

  2. I wish you good luck on your journey to find your son. My sister found a search angel back in 2001(that person no longer looks for people) and that is how I found my daughter. She just turned 36 and is a mom to 3 kids. Contact in writing the Catholic Service Bureau and request that a letter of intent to reunite be put in your son's file. My daughter never looked for me, after 30 years of living a lie, I went looking. We have a pretty good reunion. A weight was lifted off my heart. I also paid for a list of all girls born in CA on my daughters birthday, that was 50.00, it was an extensive list but might be somewhere to start. If he isn't looking he will be tougher to find. My daughter has lived 80 miles from me her entire life. Please be prepared for your reunion to go either way.

  3. I am an adult adoptee.  I can only speak for myself, but I do not hate my mother and I would welcome her with open arms and open heart, as would my adoptive family

    I hope all goes well for you and I will do anything I can to help.  I have hoped every day that someday my own mother would find me.  Unfortunately closed records make things very difficult for those people who are open to contact.  It seems the minority's wishes prevail right now.   This needs to change.

    All the best.  I shall keep my eyes open in the course of my own search, for your son

    register here too, it has a high success rate

    Sometimes registries are just not enough.   People simply don't know about them or they have been told to stay away and not disrupt the other party's lives etc etc     Never give up hope

  4. Unfortunately, men are significantly less likely to search than women are.

    I wish you the best of luck in finding your son.

  5. i hate to ask this on the internet, but what about a name? he was born in '71 and adopted in '73. you obviously named him. that may be the key to finding him.

    i went to the courthouse in the county i was adopted through and applied to the registry there. but if you dont know where he ended up this may be a problem. we found my biofather through but again, if you are unsure where he went how can you look up his school?

    dont give up, keep trying. good luck

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