I upgraded my Points to the Pertronix Ignitor and Flame Thrower Coil. We first installed the Coil.. the engine turned over. Then we installed the Ignitor. The Engine turned over, but it was hard / torqued start. I have a few questions.
The Old Coil had a External Resistor. The new coil instructions calls to remove the external Resistor. Off of the Resistor there are a few wires. One red the was connected to the positive on the Coil and a yellow wire and a purple wire. I think the yellow is the Exciter for the Alternator. The purple, which only has 12 volts during crankover is left unconnected.
What do I connect the purple wire to and what is the purple wire for?
As to the Ignitor, when the Points plate was removed, the advancing mechnanism under the plate was covered in rust. I sprayed with DW-40 to loosen the spring load advancing plate.
After install, the engine turned over with a large draw on the Starter.
Is this a timing issue related to the advancing plate lubrication?