
Upgrading my cell phone I have it narrowed down to the LG enV2, Blackberry Pearl or Curve, Lg Venus?

by  |  earlier

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Cost is not an issue as all of them will be free as part of my upgrade. Or do you have a favorite phone not on the list?




  1. i'm also debating between the enV2 and the blackberry curve. my friend had the venus and i didn't like to use it at all, maybe that's just because i don't like touch screens but the buttons also broke on hers a lot. the only thing i don't like about the enV2 is the front since it looks like a calculator, but the inside is really nice (i used to have the first enV and i loved itt). the blackberry pearl and curve seem a little business-orientated but looks good for texting, e-mail, etc and i like the look of them. please let me know which one you choose and how you like it =]

    hope i helped<3

  2. id go with the LG enV2! great for texting its slim and it is very popular with its gps and multimedia extras. also not a lot of bad reviews.

  3. woah...all of em will b free? well the env2 is cool and has a keyboard good for txting....the blackberry is like for a business person...the lg chocolate slider phone is horrible...the lg chocolate 3 looks good though...its $100

  4. I hate my blackberry pearl.

    Its price does not justify the features... and it is not very durable.

    I will say that it has a pretty long battery life though.

    i'd either want a sidekick or an iphone.

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