
Upholding Academic Honesty?

by Guest31  |  earlier

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Compile a 1,000- to 1,250-word survival guide that will serve as a resource for you

throughout your program. Using what you have learned in class, develop personal action

plans for the following topics:

o Using Axia’s Educational Resources

o Upholding Academic Honesty

o Setting and Achieving Goals

o Managing Time Wisely

o Fostering Reading Comprehension and Retention

o Applying Personality and Learning Styles




  1. ROFLMAO!!!! Consult you syllabus, it was all there in the course

  2. Compile a 1,000- to 1,250-word survival guide that will serve as a resource for you throughout your program. Using what you have learned in class, develop personal action plans for the following topics:
    •Using Axia’s Educational Resources
    •Upholding Academic Honesty
    •Setting and Achieving Goals
    •Managing Time Wisely
    •Fostering Reading Comprehension and Retention
    •Applying Personality and Learning Styles

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