
Uploading Cell Phone Pictures to Facebook?

by Guest60737  |  earlier

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does it cost money?

i have facebook mobile on my phone.

i have a plan with rogers, my5 plan and unlimited texting.

i have pictures on my phone and it i look at the options with the picture it says send to an online album.

if i clicked yes, would it cost money for me to send that picture to that online album?




  1. Your plan is unlimited TEXTING, however this is not classified as just regular texting. It's classified as PICTURE texting. Unless your plan specifes unlimited picture texting, you will have to pay for it.If so you would need to pay for uploading pictures to facebook, on a per-picture basis.

    An alternative is to transfer the pictures to your computer first (ie. with bluetooth, infrared, usb) then upload the pictures to facebook, if your phone supports that.

  2. umm idk but u couldtry to send the pictures to your e-mail and just get them from there

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