
Uploading minidv with firewire?

by  |  earlier

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When watching video i uploaded from my camera with firewire, i noticed in some spots it would speed up for no reason. other parts slowed down slightly, but noticeably. Why is it doing this? im not doing anything else on my computer well its uploading so i dont understand




  1. I assume you have a firewire port.

    and is this AFTER you upload it that you watch it?

    or AS it's  uploading?

    if you watch it as it's uploading, its just the computer processing data. not very good to watch at that point.


    what are you uploading in? and what is your operating system?

    Mac, Vista, XP?

    if in Windows MOvie Maker, click Capture, (after attaching the firewire) select save location, select quality (2.0 mbps for XP 3.0 mbps for Vista, best qualities), then click start captuer, click play on camera.

    wait for all video to be finished

    click STOP CAPTURE

    click FINISH

    and see how it goes.

    if your trying to watch it as you upload it, BAD IDEA

    wait till it's uploaded/captured

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