
Uploading pics to TPG website??

by  |  earlier

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I have tried to upload a few pics to my webpage through TPG but the photos show as a clear box with a red cross...Please help




  1. I'm guessing that the TPG you're referring to is the Australian internet service provider. I'm also guessing that your webpage was created through and is hosted by TPG. You also didn't mention which operating system and web browser you're using (IE6, IE7, Firefox, etc.)

    There could be several reasons why your pictures aren't appearing properly. The website might only accept JPEG and you submitted them as BMP, GIF, TIFF, etc. You might have a utility called Toggle Images.exe installed. Your firewall might have blocked the upload. Your pictures exceeded the maximum storage allowed on your web page.

    It's also possible the pictures loaded properly on the web page but your computer's settings aren't letting your view them. Your browser cache is full and pictures aren't being buffered. Your "show pictures" option is turned off. Or your  scripting, ActiveX controls, cookies, and Java programs need to be enabled or changed.

    Perhaps it's not your problem and the website is experiencing problems accepting your uploads.  You could try contact TPG using the "contact TPG" link in the left column.


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