
Uploading <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I have this huge file I am going to send to my Aunt. It is about 112MB in size. I have dial-up internet. All the uploading sites I have gone to say that it will be 12 hours before it is done. Does anyone know programs that will be able to make like 5 mins?




  1. It&#039;s not possible lol, at all.

  2. Well, you could buy winzip and create a zip file which contains a compressed version of your 112MB file. The site is below.

    Or you could download Windows Live Messenger and use shared folders. Then you could just post your stuff there and she could access it if she has Windows Live Messenger downloaded too.

    Windows Live Messenger is set up to allow people to transmit video of themselves to each other also. This may be more capability than you want, but it&#039;s an idea.

  3. Dailup cant help in any case to 5 mins..

    use compressions like winrar(best),or if its a image use Daa or UIF format of MagicISO

  4. lol at least get DSL, its cheaper than dialup anyways

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