
Upon further review - Did MLB "drop the ball" on instant replay?

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Upon further review - Did MLB "drop the ball" on instant replay? In the 7th inning of the Cubs vs Phillies game the umps made a questionable call at 1st, calling Howard out. after plays like this & the addition of the "replay" did MLB open a can of worms w/ the addition of ANY replay




  1. they haven't started the replay system yet probably next year

  2. I am a huge fan of Instant Replay.  The right thing is to get the call right.  I understand the league doesn't want to slow down the game OR question the umps, but with a dozen cameras in each stadium I think they should have implemented the Instant Replay with more control.  It should be used for more than just foul balls or home runs.  A simple incorrect call such as last night could have changed the outcome of the game.

    Baseball needs to start using technology so games are called correctly, an extra 30 seconds for an ump review isn't going to slow the game down more than it already is.

    In essence, I think MLB did a great job relying on Instant Replay but they need more of it.  They have the resources, why not use it???

  3. I'm kind of on the fence about instant replay at all.  But since it's here my thought is to  model it after the NFL and give the mgrs 1 flag each game to be used  for safe/out calls as well.  I don't think it would slow down the game too much. And if it keeps Pinella or some of the other hot head mgrs on the bench, it might even speed it up.  Wouldn't be as entertaining, but.....  

  4. Instant Replay for HRs is a starting point. If the technology is there, I see nothing wrong with using it if it will allow these umpires to get a call correct.

    Eventually, some time in the "near" future, I think it'll be expanded. To have an umpire check a replay to get a home run call right, its worth an extra 90 seconds, and it'll allow the TV stations to add another commercial so the greedy owners can pocket more money.

  5. You know MLB did. 1st base umpire Guccione missed the call. Probably cost the Phillies the game and possibly a playoff spot. Don't get me wrong, I'm a diehard Cubs fan. I like to win fair and square. We've all had calls go both ways all year, every year. That's the human error factor that needs to stay in baseball. Do away with any replay!

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