
Upper Age-limit for Adoption in UK?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know at what age you are considered too old to adopt in England? I'm 34, and ttc, but have been trying for over a year with no success, so we've thought about the possibility of adoption, but I'm worried that they might think I'm too old if I wait much longer. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks




  1. I was 51 and my husband  57 and social services considered us to adopt . It was a relation but we were told we  did stand a good chance of being allowed to adopt the child.

  2. my mum was told she was too old to adopt another. She is 60 now and the litle girl was 2. She adopted me when she was 47. So're not too old.

  3. hi, i don't believe that there is any dead-line as far as age is concerned, but you will be assessed based on your ability to raise a child, which means the earlier the better.

    you'll undego a major examination, checking out your home-life, your place of residence, and mental/physical health checks with your GP.

    from my own personal experience, my Uncle has adopted a child ( as a single parent) when he was about 43 years of age, and the child was 16.

    i guess the child's own age will be an influence, for example if it's a 2 year old child there will be more emphasis on health etc than a 16 year old.

    so long as you are able to prove you are able to take care of the child, you'll be ok, but of course the longer you leave it, the harder things will be.

    hope that helps.

  4. No your definately not too old and I dont think there is an age limit other than you are able to fully care for a child and offer a loving caring family, we have just adopted I'm 30 and my partner is 33

  5. Don't worry. Your not too old!

  6. Hi my mum is about to turn 40 this year, my dad will be 52 and they adopted a boy last year, he is now two.

    It takes a while to get through all the steps, and you will have to show that you can care for a  baby, for example bathing him/her.

    But you have a good chance. Go for it there are millions of children out there all waiting for you to take them home.

    No way are you too old

  7. It depends on your local authority to any age limit. We adopted a boy of 15 weeks old when I was 32 and my hubby was 36. When we adopted out daughter I was 36 and hubby 40 she too was only 15week old. They are 16 and 12 now. Get in touch with your local adoption agency through social services they will be able to help and Good Luck i hope everthing goes well for you like it did for us.personal

  8. you are prime age but i don't think there is an upper age limit any more not since the government decided to make it easier for people to adopt.

  9. I am pretty sure that the age limit is 40 - 45 years old. I think that you are ok.

  10. If you dont want to waste time do your ADOPTION COURSE now, its a legal requirement and costs around £4,000 before you get to adopt, once its out of the way things will be easier.  Have you considered some form of IVF as unless you are medically infertile then you may be told to wait.  Many couples try several years before getting their own baby.

    Good luck and no concerns when you are under 40 but you may not get IVF if you wait much more.

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