
Upper Respiratory Infection in kittens?

by  |  earlier

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Can someone give me the signs of a kitten with an URI? Thanks.




  1. Sneezing, coughing, runny eyes, lethargy, not eating or drinking, fever. If your kitty has any of these symptoms, please get her to a vet right away. URI's can become very serious if not treated before they get out of hand. Only a vet can give you an accurate diagnosis and recommend proper treatment so don't delay in getting her there.

  2. -->loss of appetite




    -->inflamed or reddened eyes

    -->discharge from the nose

    -->occasional coughing

    -->ulcers on the tongue

    *Be aware that these symptoms vary from one cat to another*

    Take the poor kitty to the vet PLEASE!

  3. My cat started with occasional sneezing. Eventually it got really congested and sounded like it had a stuffed nose. There was greenish yellow discharge coming from its eyes. Then is started sneezing uncontrollably so that it was sneezing blood out of its nose. He also stopped playing, eating, and drinking. That's when I took him into the vet and he got an antibiotic. Turns out there were sores in his mouth and nose. It got much better over the next couple days.

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