
Uprising's in Mlawa Poland?

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Tyvm for people who have aswered my previous question about Anton Zembrzuski running from Poland/Russia because of an uprising/ skirmish/ etc. I asked my mother yesterday if she knew where he was born and she said Mlawa Poland. I wet and checked out his immigration records, and the Ml ca be mistaken for a CH and the W as a M, could have very well bee mistaken for a Chlama, Poland. (Which his records were marked as) So now I know where he was born and lived, but am wondering if there was any action in this town in 1912.





  1. This is probably more of a history question than a genealogy  question.

    Have you checked into the history of Poland and surrounding areas?

  2. Well, you're in luck. Mlawa is 65.2 miles NNW of Warsaw at map coordinates 53°07' 20°23'. I'll do some snooping and see what I can find on the local history.

    This might be your incident. It appears pretty major: "Before World War I erupted, Mława saw an increase in anti-Semitism. The Jews were accused of assaulting the local priest. In the mayhem that broke out, many Jews were beaten by the mob."

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