
Uproar About Mcann?

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Madeline's Abduction has been the most talked about and most well known child abduction in history. But Why? There are many kidnappings basically everyday, so what's so special about this one? Could it be because her parents are both Upper class/Higher status, giving a Bigger role in society? If so, then How stupid :S Please give me your opinions :)




  1. I think just because its not solved and the parents have been the main suspects and unproven.

  2. The media likes to seize on one particular case and create a huge sensation about it, even if it's unremarkable. They just pick one and try to get people really involved in it, because stories like that get people to read their publications and watch their news programs. Same thing happens here in the U.S.; every year or two our media picks a particularly intriguing missing person's case and follows it constantly and makes a huge deal of it, even though things like that happen (unfortunately) every day.

  3. Its the Old Old story,it's who you know, the average Joe wouldn't know where to go to get such coverage.

    I'm still not convinced about the incident,and I know I'm not the only one with such doubts,However we must all live with our conscience.And the massive publicity could backfire.What their latest Tirade about how good the American system is compared to the EU in general an Portugal in particular is not gaining the Mcanns any friends.

  4. I agree with everyone who has answered you so far with most of the comments..

  5. I believe it's a good thing to keep the McCann affair in the media because Madeleine now represents the suffering and abuse of children the world over. We can't bring the news of every child woman or man who suffers at the hands of evil people, there wouldn't be enough time or space to do it in. But the McCann affair can keep our mind focused on the hardship family's and individuals suffer in our world today. Let's be thankful for what we have.
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