
Ups of having a baby?

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so everyone one says my life is over,

what are some great things about having a baby?





  1. 1. You get to re-live your childhood

    2. You get to see life through the eyes of your child

    3. You receive unconditional love

    4. Your heart will be full of love

    5. You gain new appreciation for your parents

    6. You get to teach them what you have learned.

    7. You can enjoy watching a human being grow.

    8. You get to experience something amazing and wonderful.

    9. The first year of a human baby is SOOO exciting because every single day something new happens, and they grow in a new way.  

    10. You get to experience MANY firsts not necessarily in this order;

      a. first coo

      b. first smile

      c. first step

      d. first word

      e. first tooth

       f. first haircut

      g. first giggle

      h. first boo boo

      i.  first taste of spinach

      j. first bowl of spaghetti

  2. your life is not over! your life is just starting with another little life. the greatest thing about having and raising a child is watching them grow and teaching them things! i know first hand its really tough to get through an unplanned pregnancy with little support, but just remember you'll always have that one little person who needs you, and loves you. life goes on!

  3. it isn't is just beginning!  learning how to take care of a baby is fun!  watching them learn something new everyday!  teaching them right from wrong...teaching them respect and honor and LOVE!! learning from our parents mistakes and figuring out how to be the best parent we can be to a little person that deserves the best from life possible!!  Good luck and have fun!! don't miss a moment it is over WAY to quickly!!  im planning my twin girls first birthday when it seems only yesterday i was right where you are now!!  take in the moment!!!  babies are miraculous, special gifts that have been intrusted to us to raise the best way we know how!!!!!!

  4. you know babies are hard but rewarding.

    ive given birth to my 4th. i am ready to stop having children and get my life back. theres pros and cons to babies.

    theres ups and downs. but with everything there is.

    you should feel the time is right for you. i wish you al the best

    good luck. children are very rewarding!!!!

  5. People that say that are self centered and should never have had children.

    Having a baby is wonderful, especially if a baby is something you have really wanted! There is nothing like being a mommy (or daddy!) My fiancé and I are amazed with everything our new son does and can't wait to watch him grow!
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