
Upsetting teachers?

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My flute teacher (Who in this message will be known as Teach lol) kept on saying "Stop hunching your shoulders " and "stop looking like a Quasimodo *then proceeds to look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame and makes "urr...." noises". She also was really snappy, and kept snapping at me to put my shoulders down.

I found this extremely offensive - I used to have a hunch on my back before having an operation, couldn't put my shoulders down because I was in agony with holding the flute up for 30 min with not enough breaks, and could barely consentrate with anger.

I didn't say anything because I am extremely shy, and was too busy trying not to walk out because of the pain and that so what should I do when I go back to school???




  1. i know what you are talking about my b/f's cousin just had corrective surgery to fix his curved spine that caused him to hunch. and it was very harmful to his life, you need to have one of your parents talk to her or tell her yourself.

  2. I'm a hs principal and I've learned...ya can't fix stupid (in the words of the Great Ron White).  Teachers say stupid things thinking 1. it will motivate you, 2.  They are being funny, 3.  They're being cool.  What they don't realize is that really they're making asses out of themselves.  First tell the teacher, "I would really appreciate if you didn't say that to me."  If it happens again say, "Once again, please stop harassing me about my back."  If it happens again it technically constitutes harassment, "A pattern of unwelcomed behavior that persists after the individual has informed the harasser that the behavior is offensive."  Try that.  Then go to the principal and use the word "harassment"  It gets our attention.

  3. sounds liek a time when my son was still in public school, & I found out his speical ed teacher called "stupid" I found this out, so I went to the school & asked the prinicple to come with me while i talk to the teacher, he did.

    I asked the teacher, & guess what, she couldnt even look me in the eyes.

    She admitted she did, because the other classes around her heard it.

    I asked her why, her reason... it got my sons attention!

    I went off, & told her well guess what?? Now you have MY attention!! And the next time you call my son or any other child a degrading name, its me you'll answer to!!

    I came to the school the next day, & made her apologize to my son to his face "in front of the class too!"

    She never did it again either. But then again, she dosnt have the chance too either, hes now homeschooled, due to sever dysleixa the schools here in our area keep telling us that it dosnt exsits. And hes on a feeding pump every 3 hours, so its easier to just deal with that at home now.

  4. wow, next time you come back bring in a big bell, ring it near her head and scream "SANCTUARY!!!" that oughta get some laughs

  5. Tell her you had an operation and that you can't help it.

  6. Quasimodo is a central character from French author Victor Hugo's 1831 novel Notre Dame de Paris. The main theme of the book is the cruelty of social injustice.

    Too bad your "teacher" does not even understand the meaning of the novel [probably has never read it nor tried to understand the meaning of the movie] and worse has not reached the level of decency  and even less the qualification of being a teacher. Teachers must have a highly developed intuition. They are highly skilled at understanding what is going on inside themselves and others.

    This enables them to feel a close connection with others and develop a personal involvement in the joys and problems of others.

    Place yourself far above this person and show only compassion for the impotence which this person demonstrates in his denigrating observations.  It is not your task to educate this person.

    Show yourself, that the hurt full and mean actions, that you can expect from children that have not learned how to respect  their fellow human being, can not hurt you nor keep you mentally captive.

    And I am almost sure that this type of attitude is not only towards you but a more general  misbehaviour to other students also.  

    Ask other students, if they also  feel mistreated.

    Take a small recorder to school and record his remarks.

    Ask other student to come with you and confront the teacher after a class with the playback of the recorder. And tell him that you are disappointed with his behavior and ask him to stop that.

    Nothing more nothing less!  No anger needed!

    If the teacher does not comply you go with your parents to the principal.

    Keep your head up and NEVER EVER let yourself down. You are able to protect yourself by placing yourself far above this childish and immature  behaviour.

    As a teacher myself I feel ashamed that  there are  these type of incompetent  people that walk around with the predicate: "teacher".

  7. You need to let the teacher know about your condition or previous condition and that not only does it influence your posture but it also makes comments like hers insulting and degrading.  Some teachers have spent too much time with kids and pick up their habits and not even realize it.  Call her on it.  If she continues to do this then you might need to  report her.  I have known some teachers who just like to insult and belittle kids.

  8. Write the teacher a note and explain how you felt about the situation.  Tell her in the note about her actions and that they were offensive to you because of the operation.  The teacher should offer an apology and discuss the situation with you.  If not, (if you are school age)  your parents should discuss it with the teacher.  The teacher should act as a professional and don't be intimidated by anyone's actions.  Good luck!

  9. the next time she says it stand up say " fck you" and punch her in the face!
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