
Upto what age are nappies during the night for diarrhea acceptable?

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If a child has quite bad diarrhea it is fine to have them sit on or near the toilet all day but at night this is inpractical.

If the child wears a nappy to bed then it saves the parents the hassle of cleaning messy sheets and allows the child some sleep (needed if your immune system is to recover.)

I know of lots of parents who do this with younger children (5 and below.)

But at what age does it become unacceptable to put a child in a nappy for this reason?

6, 8, or mabye older?

What do you think?




  1. Huggies and Pampers do pyjama pants they go up to aged 8, I think, and are sold in supermarkets, They're more like underwear than nappies but do the same job!

    If the poor love is that poorly that they can't get up in time then this will save their embarrassment too, as they can dispose of them.

  2. However long they are needed. If the child does not wake up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night, and is not capable of holding it til morning, then put a diaper on the child. They have them for bigger kids.

  3. what is a nappy?

  4. I think that if the child is old enough to get up and go to the bathroom on his own, then he doesn't need a diaper for diarrhea.  When they're about 6 or 8, they can get up and go to the bathroom by themselves.  If you know that they can do this, don't let them make excuses for messy sheets.

  5. Honestly I have never had this problem but I would say its up to the child.  You dont want your child to feel as though the nappy is demaning him/her. My 6 & 8 old wouldnt have a bar of it. Talk to your child.

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