
Ur Comment is needed! :)!?

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I just finished updating my website, I want you to honestly tell me what you think about it. Do not be afraid to tell me what you think, I really find it helpfull when people tell the truth, so help me that way... the websites name is thank you for your help!




  1. I like it!! The layout - colors - the choice of pictures

    I would keep the suits, with the awesome kicking skills...

    Did look at some of the Hot Quotes , noticed the 3rd picture does not come up...

    JOB very Well Done- Much Deserved pat on the back.

  2. Its really a new adventure. am very honest,  man!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  3. Its Awesome!!

  4. get rid of the kicking guys in suits, last thing I need is to fear a car salesman is going to kick me in the nads if I buy a car. other than that good layout I would say.

  5. nice lay out, good business you have there.  suggest you replace the kicking competing salesmen with some happy relaxing picture.

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