
Uranium Rods?

by  |  earlier

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Ummm...people store radioactive waste in the form of uranium rods right? and then they store it underground in like steel cases right? But won't the case break because the radioactive material stored inside is still radioactive and so that means the radioactive waste mixes with groundwater. Is this right? and if it is where can I find this info. on the internet because I need a resource about this on my debate.




  1. a lot of radioactive stuff is stored way underground in salt caves. salt absorbs radiation preventing it from polluting water

  2. im not sure but you can try looking in the department of transportation guidelines of hazardous materials and it may help you find a website that is helpful i drive a semi and i am required to cary the manuals and the have a lot of information on such things as radioactive materials

  3. It's not that radioactive waste is stored in uranium rods. It's that it is used in uranium rods and becomes radioactive waste as the uranium gets used up.

    There is a potential for radioactive waste, or any other waste not stored properly to get into the groundwater. That's why the government is looking for a rather dry place like Yucca Mountain to put it.


    Try this.  It should give you at least some leads about how spent fuel is required to be stored.

  5. some radioactive waste is stored as depleated uranium rods, yes.

    The canisters used to store it are made from a material that can withstand the radiation. the storage places for this are located very deep inside, usually, mountain ranges. the rooms it's stored in are made from a thick concrete which is insulated and its usually bored out of granite, which is non-porous.

    the people who do this arent idiots. it's big business and a lot of people get paid a lot of money for this.

    before there will ever be an issue with a storage facility, we'll come up with a way to harness the remnant radiation for energy.
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