
Urge to Speak to Ex? ?

by Guest58554  |  earlier

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My ex bf and I were together for two yrs. and broke up about a month and half ago. Since then i have gotten extrremly close with a friend of my best firends family. (veryy close, almost like it was fate, or meant to be) anyways, i have no interest of wanting him back buttt i do have the urge to talk to him. just to see whats been going on with and and so on. i mean we lived together for a while and were together for 2 yrs. is this wrong to want to call just to say hi? i dont want bad karma put on this new relationship, bc as of this very moment its perfect and something i have never felt in my life. opinions??




  1. It's probably natural to want to speak to someone you were so close to for so long. There's nothing wrong with it as long as the only urge you have is to talk to him. It might be a good idea just to check and see that your new partner is okay with it though, and if he isn't or he isn't sure about it, don't bother. (: xo

  2. I don't think its crazy that you have the urge to speak to your ex because I have felt the same way before. As long as you aren't looking to get close with him again, then I don't see the problem with it. However, I would talk it over with your man just to see if it would bother him or not. If it does bother him, then I wouldn't bother calling your ex.  

  3. Plain and simple you are being nosy, and there's nothing wrong with feeling that way only after a month and a half of breaking up. You just want to see if he is happy now and if he is you will feel bad. You will be thinking, how can he move on and be happy so soon? I suggest you just leave it where it is, in the past! Keep sending good luck and vibes his way, but leave it at that. I know you may still have feelings for him, but you dont want to bring up the past unless you are prepared for it and I dont think a month and a half is prepared for it yet. I wish you all the luck.  

  4. i broke up with my ex a few months ago, i still get the urge to call him sometimes and ask how he is doing.  You have to understand that it is natural n is something that happens when u really loved someone.

    my advice is to move on n concentrate on this new relationship. if u talk to ur ex, u will just be opening up a can of worms that u dont want. if u truly want to move on, then move on. he is not calling u or trying to find out how u r doing do forget him n move on.

  5. if you're still feeling the urge to call your ex, this new relationship may be in trouble all together. sorry.

  6. the fact that you want to stay in touch with an ex, not in physical touch, but in friendship, says a lot about your maturity.  congrats to you.  unless the relationship fell apart due to abuse of body or soul, there should be no hard feelings just because the love side of the relationship is over.  if you ended things with the ex on a friendly note, by all means call and say hi how ya doing.  there is no reason why exes have to be enemies.

  7. Don't call him.

  8. You and your ex's break up is very very fresh. Too fresh. Not even 2 months- and you want to speak to him. To tell yourself that there are no emotions left over .. you'd be kidding yourself. You are not over him.. as much as you think you are -- and your best bet is to leave him alone, for now. You will know when you are ready to make that call-- but you're not right now. Keep moving forward with this new guy.. although.. this new guy does sound like a rebound. If hes not- then you shouldn't be thinking about your ex. Why care what your ex is doing? Is he calling you? No- then there is your answer.
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