
Urgent, possible life or death.?

by Guest62247  |  earlier

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This is not a joke, I am not kidding around. Please, I don't want people talking about how this is totally fake, please just help me. Long story short. I met a couple on line that I was suppose to have a 3 some with. A straight couple. It was suppose to happen by now, but ive been really busy lately and kinda have been blowing it off. So I have done nothing. I just received a private call on my cell phone. The guy knew my brothers name but that was it. He kept on asking where I lived. My brother said he was having trouble with ppl lately, but here is the problem. The girl that I was suppose to do it with was asian. And he said an asian girl. So I'm almost certain. The guy said he is coming for me. Even though it doesn't seem like he knows where I live. Who can I call that can help me, no stupid answers like the police. The local police hate me anyways because one of the cops is ******* my mom, and she hates me, so some of them already hate me. Also they think I burnt down part of a garage when I was younger, even though I didn't. So they hold a grudge for that. I also want real help, they will just say its harassment, nothing all. Is there someone like in the FBI or something I can call for help? Serious help only, that can actually help. Also I gave the couple my number, that's how he probably got it. Serious help only please. I forgot to mention, I think he thinks i cheated with his girl or something, which I didn't......




  1. You need to call the police. Even if one of the cops is doin your mom, they need to take you seriously if you think you are in danger. Call your cell phone provider and see if you can trace the call (although I am sure you will need to get a warrant). If they call again, immediatey call the police and file a harassment suit. They will then have no choice but to subpoena your cell phone company for the records. Although cops can hold grudges, if you are really afraid for your safety, they will help you. Tell them that you will write your local newspapers, or even write your congressman explaining that the police are ignoring your claims that you are being threatened. Even if the police do hate you, you are not worth them losing their jobs.

    If they still ignore you, you really do need to contact someone higher up in your area's government. Mayor, governor, whoever. They will not like hearing that the cops are potentially opening themselves up for lawsuit. If something does end up happening between you and this person on the phone (god forbid) you will have every right to file a lawsuit against the police, if you tried to inform them that you are in danger, or at least being threatened and harassed you will most likely win.

    See how it really isn't worth it to them to ignore you? Study up before you see the police again, make sure you can express clearly that you know you have a right to file a harassment claim and have an investigation!

    Maybe you should try talking to your mom too, explain that you believe you are in danger. Even if you don't get along, she is your mom and she should care. Maybe she will talk to the police officer and he will be more willing to help.

    Also, try staying out of shady situations. threesomes with strangers, and some kind of shady activity that led the police to believe you burnt down a garage, etc. It makes life much easier.

  2. Is she cute?

    Is she available?


    Dude, who cares? Get a gun, and welcome them with open arms. By the way, all forms of harassment can be done either by fax, email, telephone, or any other electronic devices known to man. This is usually spelled out in most state penal codes (especially in california).

    Though, i'm extremely curious on how you met these folks. :P

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