
Urgent: Do anyone know where can I get "S26 Gold" baby milk in UK? Any retailer or specialist shop selling?

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My baby is coming to the UK tomorrow, I've been looking for the formula milk brand "S26 Gold" in the UK in chemist like Boots, Superdrug, supermarkets or specialist shop like Mothercare, just can't find the brand. Would be extremely appreciate if anyone can tell me where can I buy (either on-line or in the shops), preferrably in London or Oxford area.

Thanks a million in advance!




  1. The same company (Wyeth) make SMA which is widely available in the UK.  It is likely to be the same formula, but marketed under a different name.  SMA do 2 baby formulas (Gold, and also a blue tin but unsure of name).  Check them out to see which is most like the one your baby is used to (eg ordinary or for hungrier baby).  They also do a follow-on milk called SMA Progress, but it's aimed for 12 months and over.

  2. Do you mean SMA?

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