
Urgent! I think one of my Red Ear Slider turtles (very small) is in life danger!!?

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I have 2 Red Ear Slider turtles and I think they are a little over 5 or 6 months old (very small babies) and one of them (the much smaller one) is very sick. It won't eat nor open its eyes and it hardly moves at all everyday. It seems like it's unconscious most of the time, so I put it in a separate tank from the other one. And the small one recently started wheezing and I gave it turtle eye-drops to fix the eye infection, but it still doesn't open its eyes, and it's been a few weeks now. I'm worried that it's become very serious and I'm desperate for help! What should I do?




  1. take him to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It sounds like a respiratory infection, at the very least, and yes, you have a very sick little turtle.  Increase its heat a bit, and it seriously needs to see a vet.

    The major cause of respiratory infections is improper heat (too cold).

    Here are some sites you can check out for help: complete turtle care w/vet help  Animal help/treatment- call before 9PM. ANIMAL HELP/treatment Questions email.

    These are some sites to check out for illnesses and ailments, to give you a better idea of what's wrong with the lil guy:

    Get him to a vet asap.  Retiles are slow to show signs of illness, and by the time they are displaying symptoms, it is usually pretty progressed.  Reptile are also slow to heal, so time is important.

    If you don’t already know of a qualified exotics/reptile vet in your area, google: “Herpetological Society” -or-  for the one closest to you.

    I sure he's better soon, and I hope this has been of help.

  3. yes this has become serious.  im certain that its a respiratory infection.  good call on seperating the turtles.  respiratory infections are very contagious.  first off raise the water heater setting (temp should already be 80) to mid 80's.  you have also made a good call about the turtle eye drops. continue using those.  the reason his eyes are not open is because they are filled with pus.  to help soften the pus and get it out of his eyes, soak him in warm water at least twice a day.  you can of course soak him more than that depending on how much time you have.  you also need to lower the water level a little bit.  it should still be at least shell lenght high.  the reason is because turtles with respiratory infections get off balance due to fluid in their lungs and can drown. you may want to leave the uv bulb on for an extra hour a day to help keep the tank warm.  im guessing that he isnt eating either.  to keep him well hydrated i strongly recommend this-

    you can crush his regular food and add it to the mix if desired.

    I really  recommend calling a vet.  what i have mentioned above will help the healing process but a turtle this sick requires vet care.  trust me the vet care is not as expensive as it sounds.  some local cat and dog vets treat turtles you just have to call around.  the vet will most likely give him some baytril.  this is a liquid and or tablet that he will soak up through his skin.  

    finding vets-


    hope this helps

  4. There are several things it could be.  If there is a white slimy substance it could be a fungal infection caused by dirty water.  Turtles are very dirty and their tanks must be cleaned regularly.   I use large filters for small tank.  The turtles also need to be able to get out of the water and bask.  They can dry a little during basking.  The water could be too cold, but unless it has been too cold for a while they should not be that bad off.  Most likely it is a nutrient disorder.  Sliders need full spectrum light to digest and process Vitamin D and Proteins.  This comes from the sun in the wild.  Does the shell feel soft or spongy or whitish.  That would be as sign of a nutrient disorder.  Purchase a full spectrum light, UVA and UVB, light at the pet store.  read the instructions on the box as to how close it needs to be and when it needs to be changed.  They lose intensity before they burn out.  I would clean out both cages and put the turtles in direct sun light for several hours a day.  Be sure to provide a shady spot so they wont cook.  If that does not seem to help or the one seems too far gone take it to the vet.  Just call and make sure they know how to treat turtles.  Some times it is hard to find a good herp vet. Good luck.

  5. Contact the “, for a turtle vet in your city and state

    All you can do is keep them warm, raise the temp 4 degrees more. Its really smart of you to seperate them most people don't. Stop the  drops too much medicine is not good ..if it doesn't work in few days its not going to. There is a saying 'over medication can hurt you as well as cure you'.

    Put a bird cuttle bone in their seperate containers . Its full of calcium and good for health and shell and bone growth like for kids.

    Chop almost finely some leafy greens like romaine. Get some baby food 'squash' and rub on his beak/mouth, just a little.  Its full of vitamin A.

    And Pray.

    I wish you luck.

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