
Urgent Question About Testicular Cancer?

by  |  earlier

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I've noticed an abnormalitie with my testicles but I don't think it's on with my actual testicles, it's more the sack in lehmanns terms. I've noticed it's very rough and isn't as smooth as it was but my testicles dont seem to be lumpy or anything like that. I've been so scared that my hands are actually shaking when I write this. If anybody has any suggestions on the cause, please answer.




  1. The sack is called the s*****m.      You sound like a hypochondriac, and you are excessively worried about physical problems that don't even exist.

    By the time you would get Alzheimer's, there will probably be a cure for it.    I think that you should seek professional help (counseling) for your condition, it must be very uncomfortable worrying excessively about all of these things.

    Obsessing about these things won't help you to avoid them, and you must get help to lead a normal life without fear of coming down with every disease that you hear about.

  2. Don't punish yourself with endless concern.  Go see a Doctor and ask him to check it out to see if you are normal.

    Doctors normally do this as part of a check-up.  If you have not had a check-up lately, schedule one and tell the Doctor you have some specific concerns, but normally they ask you.

  3. You should see your GP to put your mind at rest but a possibility is the t******e sack is dry and rough as we bath everyday, we use harsh soaps that strip away all our skin lubricants that keep our skin moist. The t******e sack must remain soft and moist, not dry, rough and cracked. The t******e sack is lined with tiny veins that run throughout the skin in that region. After a bath, your skin is warm and your pores are open to the max- so dry yourself properly and use an emollient like E45 until the dryness subsides

  4. go see your doctor part of his job is to reassure you that you are ok or if there's a nhs drop in centre that might be easier

  5. see your doctor tomorrow

  6. I'm not sure what it could be. The best thing to do is go to the doctor. The sooner you go, the sooner the problem will get sorted.

    Hope everything goes well!

  7. you are referring to the s*****m. is your place cold? often, if the temperature is cold, the sack as you termed it, shrinks in size. this is body's mechanism to conserve heat and incubate the sperms in the testicles. this causes a decrease in surface area thereby causing it to become rough. warm temperature on the other hand causes the sack to increase in surface area causing the testicles (balls) to descend. if the sack becomes scaly, do some proper hygiene and if in persistence, see a doctor. if in doubt of testicular cancer, perform TSE (testicular self-examination). roll your ball between your thumb and index finger to fell for lumps. even just  slight palpable lump, you might need to see a doctor. but since you stated that it wasn't lumpy, then probably you don't have it. if lesions are visible, that could be brought about by infection. try having a check-up if the condition becomes chronic or if it causes you discomfort.

  8. This is likely to be a part of the t******e called the 'epididymis'. This feels like a jelly pocket above the t******e, but it's position can obviously change as your testicles move about. However, if you are concerned, it's best to go to the doctor. Also, whilst you're there, tell him about your anxiety disorder, and how you worry and the doctor may be able to perscribe something to help calm you a little. There are actually herbs that do this too, valerian is one which is normally associated with sleep, but it causes sleep by having a calming effect.

  9. Hi, any testicular abnormalities or anything new you feel has appeared that wasn't always there, needs to be investigated. Pop along to your GP.


    I think it's worth seeing your GP and also at the same time talk about your irrational thoughts/anxieties regarding illnesses. I remember in year one of my Nurse training, I felt the same way, a headache wasn't a headache, it was a brain tumour! or a cough wasn't a cough, it was lung cancer! My Dr said, 'OK, we'll arrange an MRI, but what will it be next week? and at that point I new it was all in my head..In my case it was just because I was stressed out about my exams and the pressure of the Army, also as a student Nurse I was suddenly coming into contact with death and all these new illnesses I had never seen before. CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is very effective and has a 70% success rate in helping with these kinds of thoughts and anxieties. So have a chat with your GP about both areas, because you can't spend your life worrying like this Shane.

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