
Urgent girl help only please!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i masturbated during my period and i saw quite a bit of blood when i was done is this normal should i be worried! because i really am




  1. Its totally normal! it may be a little bit messier, but other ppl will tell you its not normal but the same thing happend to me! don't worry!


  2. couldnt you of just waited a few days??

  3. You haven't done anything to cause any harm to you or your body.

  4. Don't freak sweetie totally normal.  Don't listen to anyone if there judging you on playing with your self while on your period. Most women have more of a libido(horny) either before or during their period. Due to hormones kicking in around that time of month. For some women that is also the cause of acne, bloating, and pms etc. Also the reason why you bled more is only due to the fact you probably had an o****m. Normally when women have an o****m they produce more fluid(c*m) and that's exactly what happened to you. In your case you were on your period and more blood came out mixed with your regular c*m. Blood is darker so that's what you saw. Like I said don't freak. If you have any other questions please don't be afraid to ask.

  5. no dont be worried. it was just because you were on your period.

  6. no its normal dont worry

  7. its normal dont worry

  8. No don't worry, this is totally normal. I get very horny also when I have my period. If you want to take it another level. m********e while you are on your period and use a vibrator at the same time.

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