
Urgent help needed 20/8/08 @9:30am?

by Guest65679  |  earlier

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Need urgent help now 20/8/08 @9:30am?

juast got a letter from baliffs coming to remove goods back any day/time with no more notice can they take stuff if i can show its on finance???

please help now xx

1 second ago - 3 days left to answer




  1. get rid of it, go leave it at a friends house

    they cant take what you have not got

  2. They can not take anything that is on finance unless it is the stuff that you owe the money on.

    Get down to CAB and get it sorted.....

  3. call the police, and move the goods to a friends house

  4. Baliffs have no power to remove ANYTHING without your permission.

    Only the Sherriff can do that.

    Just tell them to go away.

  5. they cant take anything that doesnt belong to you and also if it is an unsecured loan they need to go to court before they can take anything

  6. Now you knoww, go to the CAB for advice in dealing with the long term

    All the best.

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