
Urgent help please pls pls

by  |  earlier

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last night my tutor had a talk with me and it seems that i cause him lot of worries and pains,im very ashamed of my behaviour i told him i will be good henceforth but he doesnt want me under his responsibilities now,i just get jealous when he get close to anyone else because i fear he may stop to give me all his affection,i talked to him abt that too but he has enough,it means ill go back to the teenagers home again,i dont take drugs nor i smoke or drink but im quite impolite sometimes and verystubborn too,but i just want some attention,how can i excuse myself for the mistakes done?




  1. Improve, u gotta learn some manners and use alot of them by ur tutor. ALOT.... well thats my answer.... sorry if i sound mean or anything...BYE!!!

  2. you cant excuse yourself and its not like you dont know what your doing because you have admitted that you have. if you know being rude who can change that behaviour? if your being stubborn who can change that? YOU and you know you can.

      probaly not much you can do about your tutor now but you can defo change for the next one. good luck

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