
Urgent ive lost all the important info in my hard disc?

by  |  earlier

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ok i had all my movies backed up in my multimedia hard disc plus my photos my mp3 ect... yesterday whiles playing a movie the movie froze then i just took it again to my work to watch a movie at work and it froze again then.then the laptop clashed and when i restarted it it was asking me if i wanted to foarmat my external hard disc same thin was asked when i took it back home im not given any other option i cant acceses my extrnal hard disc what can i do to fix this problem




  1. Well the only way your going to be able to recover it is buying like a chord like a usb to IDE and tranfering the data..i was going to say if it was a regular pc hard drive i woulda took it out and took it to another computer and recovered but you might have to just take it in to recover it or one thing you can do is put the windows xp cd in and when it asks if u want to do a clean reformat push no or just hit REPAIR the 2nd time it asks u to repair it. got any qustions? pm me on yahoo mesenger


  2. It seems your MBR Master boot Record is corrupted you have to restore the MBR that is why your computer cannot recognize it

    Download : Hirens boot CD " burn to cd and boot from it it has a lot of programs on it Listed by sections go to the appropriate section  for restoring the MBR

    Use it to restore MBR

    This should enable you to boot windows

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