
Urgent please answer: depression?

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I know i'm depressed but i don't want to take medication for it. my dad always said that i'm depressed and that i need meds. How do I deal with this without medication?




  1. A talking therapy usually helps such as cognitive behavioural therapy or counselling,

    Ask your GP to refer you to the correct mental health specialist.

    Good luck :)

  2. Talk therapy with a psychologist.  You are going to be wasting your money and time though.  You need medication as that is really the only way to help depression.

  3. I'm going to provide you with the real secret to get rid of depression forever.

    Depression only happens in the subcortex,never in neocortex. Remember this. And you must learn how to wanish your brain to get rid of the depression in one minute a day, usually in the morning as a first thing you'll do. The secret is literally brainshift you out of your depression anytime it comes down upon you. How you'll do it ? Simply, leave subcortex thought"I am depressed", enter immediately into neocortex by thinking any think you want or comes spontaneous to you.

    Brain swich can save your life.

    I put below a short extras from my article about this subject , to inspire you. Take from it what you like.

    Here's proven natural remedies for any kind of depression once forever...

    Ten ways to successfully get rid of depression.

    1} Important defense mechanism has spinach, , beetroot lettuce with much lemon juice and olive oil.POWER BENEFIT: In depression your blood has tendency to be acidic. You need to try neutralize this situation What I said above has high nutritional value and alkalizing quality. As a result, you'll start to feel energetic, useful to yourself and others.

    2} Blueberries. Fresh or frozen, not to mention it tastes absolutely delicious, two servings daily for two weeks. POWER BENEFIT: struggle against feeling of guilt and loss of interest in ordinary activities.

    3} Carbohydrates, and vitamin B-complex supplement. Depression is a cruel killer that shape cyclic human hormonal reality into delicious desert. The more tryptophan enters your brain, the more serotonin will be produced to kill that killer. Get rich tryptophan eating banana, apple and kiwi. POWER BENEFIT : combat thoughts of suicide and irritability.

    4} Get Omega 3. This makes sense physiologically since omega 3 works on neurotransmitter pathways in the brain. Also, omega 3 keeps the blood wessels of the brain free from blockages It also helps in boosting up the nerve cells to function at a higher level. Because omega 3 is found in Oceanus fish and eggs and if you want only fruits and vegetables then take omega 3 supplement.

    5} Daily walking in the sun. It produces a brain chemical called dopamine which help maintain mental equilibrium But before you leave your home eat milk, yogurt or salmon,tomatoes,cucumber and /or broccoli.

    6} Out, find a place where you can express your emotions aloud . For example cry if you feel inside like crying. This is an act of courage and in the same time, shows your progress. Immediately after this, it can't be less than a big happy moments.

    7}Selenium,vitamin B 12, for the" feel-good " brain receptors. The take away from it is that you need eat brown rice,nuts,seeds and liver.

    8} Drink a lots of mineral water with pH above from 7.4

    9} Breakfast cereals .Don't forget it.

    10} Breathing exercises on daily basis,the most powerful line to cure depression because a high need of brain for oxygen.

    I hope I helped you a bit.

    Good health to you.

  4. Hey There,

    You can seek out the advice of a professional that does not believe that you need medication or just talk to a professional and tell them you do not want to be on medication. Of course a lot of those people like the meds because they don't have to work as hard.

    Find a friend and talk to them about what you are going through and why you are depressed, etc.

    Remember to live life one day at a time and have fun with it. Remember that for every person that has it hard someone else always has it worse. Take the time to think about all the good things in your life, etc.

    If you just want to chat feel free to contact me. Good luck

  5. Depression can be mild or severe. Mild depression may have different situations attached; poor eating habits, not enough sunlight, temporary problems, lack of sleep, and no exercise, etc.

    Do you eat healthy? Too much sugar can affect your mood and make you depressed.

    Not enough sunlight can cause depression, we need Vitamin D from the sun or food (milk, veggies, etc.) and a special light during the winter can help (full spectrum that mimics sunlight).

    Some temporary problems in life can cause depression; loss of job, of a relationship, etc. This feeling will pass usually once the problem has had time and distance.

    Exercise raises the level of endorphins in the brain, that creates the happy feeling. So make sure you get out and walk, or ride a bike or something for at least 20 minutes a day.

    How do you look at life? When something goes wrong do you feel it will NEVER change? Or do you just say, this will pass? Best to have the "this too will pass" attitude.

    Medication is not something I agree with unless a person has severe depression. It is not the solution to the problem, it is only a band-aid.

  6. Medication is not the answer to every thing

    there's things you have to fight on your own...

    been around loving and positive people really help,

    getting involve with some type of community...or volunteering in something.

    But most of all talking to a professional

    maybe once a week. if you cannot afford that,

    there's is Low-income clinics that provide such care, check your

    local listing... take care hon, i will be thinking about you.

  7. Realistically, depression is usually best treated with medication. However, I would recommend that you first find out if you really do have depression. You may just have issues that are making you very sad and you feel helpless to solve them on your own. There are many other characteristics of depression. Talk to a reputable psychologist or psychiatrist - they can explain to you what depression is and determine whether or not you require treatment. Best to you.

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