Hello all, I may have made a mistake today. I went and ordered 2 of those Thermalright SLK-800 Heatsinks from # for 2 of my systems that are running ASUS TUSL-2 motherboards with 1.4Ghz Intel P3 Tualatin processors. I have read in multiple places that this heatsink is compatible with Socket A and Socket 370 chips. However, I noticed that the base of this heatsink is narrow. The contact area on a P3 Tualatin is more than twice as wide as a regular P3 chip, or a AMD Athlon/AthlonXP/Duron. Surely, it must make full contact with the contact area on the chip or the CPU will overheat and burn up. What I'm asking is, does anyone have experience with these 2 items? A Thermalright SLK-800 heatsink and a P3 Tualatin CPU? Does it fit correctly? Or did I s***w up?Thanks for any help, Nate