
Urgent question please answer?

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in a food web, if the number of food chain connections is decreasing, you'll find more



3-unrelated species


please if you know answer.





  1. In general, species will be decreasing, as when u have less diversity u will have less connections and relatively simpler food chains.

    In case of a specific food chain, it depends on the its nature. it might be carnivores or may be herbivores.

  2. crnivores

  3. depends on which connector has least population like in case of

    grass -grasshopper- frog -snake, if frogs decrease, herbivores (grasshopper) will increase and carnivores (snakes) will decrease

  4. herbivores ... all food chains, and therefore the entire web exist because of the ability of plants to change solar energy to food energy.  They are at the "center" of the web.  Herbivores are the next link and then carnivores.  So as food chain connections break all carnivores which feed on that species are negatively affected.  If the food chain breaks at a crop, both the herbivores and the carnivores which feed on them will be affected.  In both scenarios the carnivores are negatively affected, but only in one are the herbivores affected ... therefore they statistically have less chance of being affected

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