
Urgent solution needed. What is the quickest way to stop hiccup?

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Urgent solution needed. What is the quickest way to stop hiccup?




  1. A spoon of sugar and then drinking a glass of water backwards actually works pretty well for me.

    I'm a Chiropractor and have been dying to get my hands on one of these serious hickup patients (like for years without stopping) - I really think it could work!

    I'll do it for free!  Anybody?

  2. Put water in a glass.  Put any metal utensil in the glass as well.  Place the utensil end sticking out of the glass to your temple and drink the water at the same time.

    Don't know how it works, but it does!

  3. The only thing that has ever worked for me is to drink a lot of water. Like 10 sips in a row without breathing. By the time I take that last sip and breathe in, no more hiccups. Although, it hasn't ever worked for my fiance, it always works for me. Maybe just take as many sips as you can. I don't know, it's worth a shot

  4. a hiccup is when the diaphragm is tight and cant funtion properly.... take deep breaths all the way down to your belly button.... slowly! breath in you nose and out your nose... if this doesnt work after 10 breaths then you need to lay on your back relax, and slightly pull up on your rib cage, this releases your diaphragm.... hope this helps...

  5. Drink Pop it works every time. make sure its is fizzy

  6. there are so many way to stop hiccup

    1) take a big slice of banana followed by lot of water (or)

    2)ask some one to tap your middle of back just below the backside of the neck (or)

    3)precaution your neighbour before getting hiccup to threaten you all of a sudden

    all the best

  7. The hiccup is due to the spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm which is under the control of the phrenic nerve.

    The solution to this problem without going into elaborate explanation is to use 2 acupuncture points on the dorsal side of each foot to eliminate the spasm.

    The first point is between the base of the big and 2nd toe in the valley..

    The second point is also between the base of the 4th and fifth toe in the valley.

    Twice a day (morning and at nite OK), tap or rub the points on each foot 50 times  using a rounded rod or eraser of a pencil.  The hiccup frequency or intensity should diminish after approximately 3 days.  Continue as long as necessary.

  8. A tablespoon of honey, swallowed a sip at a time, non stop til the spoon is clean.  Guaranteed!

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