
Urgent waiting list?

by  |  earlier

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im due for an operation (spleen removed) and its been put on an urgent waiting list does anyone know what the period of waiting time is for this?




  1. I have also been put on the urgent waiting list I am told I will have my op within 4 weeks (will know for definite thursday) I hope you are as lucky.

  2. if it is in the uk the current urgent waiting time is 4-6week. but they try and get you in sooner!

  3. This depends on severity of injury, monitoring the spleen to see if it is capable of repairing itself is the first line of treatment (unless it has been severely traumatised through accident).

    It is about 4 weeks to removal if it does not repair, as the risk factor then rises.

    After removal, the patient must at all times be aware of keeping themselves clear of infection  
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