
Urijah Faber Ranking?

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After his fight with Jens Pulver the other day...will his rank go up or down, or did the fight have enough of an effect to change anything? My first thought was we seen a side of Urijah that hadnt been witnessed to such an extent...his boxing, which was pretty hardcore. On the other hand...that is the first time he has went 5 rounds, not to mention not many people expected it to go past 3. Jens Pulver definetly had the upper hand at times, and for once Urijah Faber didnt just run over his opponent. Im puzzled, for some reason I dont think his rank will be effected at all.




  1. It will undoubtedly go up.  Pulver is a legend in mma.  He was a force in the UFC, and this is his first ever defeat at featherweight.  Faber's ranking must go up.  He dominated Pulver.

  2. I think his rank may go up a bit. Jens Pulver is a good opponent. So the next thing for Faber is to fight the next contender. Faber should fight someone as the caliber as BJ Penn. But those 2 guys trained together. Faber helped Penn for the fight with Steriods. LOL.

  3. well a lot of publications already had him as the top featherweight but if you are talking about his pound for pound ranking then most certainly it will go up.  jens pulver has terrific boxing yet urijah was able to nullify his attack and he actually out struck him pretty soundly.  with his ground game already near the best in the division as well as his seemingly brand new stand up approach he will definitely be tough to beat.  i pray to all things holy that a urijah faber-kid yamamoto match up is made sometime in the near future.  not only would that fight determine the best featherweight but it could also possibly decide the pound for pound best.
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