
Urijah Faber vs. Kimbo Slice

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Who do you think would win? I know they won't fight, duh, but just asking. With size and everything included, who wins?




  1. kimbo would slice urijah in half with a double fisted sledge-hammer slam. urijah's only chance is if he used his spiderman reflexes to climb up kimbo and rear-naked choke him out.  

  2. Uriah would beat Kimbo by submission in the first round even though hes around 80lbs lighter. Ya I said 80lbs because Uriah walks around at about 160lbs and Kimbo is 240lbs I believe. Look at Royce Gracie back in the day when he was beating much larger and stronger guys. Uriah has black belt level BJJ, div 1 wrestling and great stand up. Uriah is way stronger than Royce was and the opponents Royce went against were much better than Kimbo. Uriah Faber has choked black belt level bjj guys when they even got his back early in the fight. Uriahs skills are WAY better than Kimbos. Uriah is a champion and Kimbo is like a toddler in this sport.

  3. Faber easily. All he has to do is take down Kimbo, because we ALL know Kimbo has 0 ground game.  

  4. kimbo

  5. why do people keep asking questions like these. its totally stupid. but thanks for the points.

  6. That is just rediculous. Just because Urijah Faber is a good fighter, he is small.Kimbo Slice would destoy him. I don't even really think Kimbo Slice is even that good of a fighter and I favor Faber over him, it is just sort of obvious due to the size difference.

    BTW, people say thank you for the points when questions are so utterly rediculous like this one. Someone also might decide to report you for calling them an F'in loser. So here is some advise.Think before you ask a question, if it sounds rediculous than I would keep it to myself, you and your dad can debate about it.

    I am even answering nicer than I would have seeing that you are just a kid.

  7. Kimbo because of size. That's why there are weight classes. Faber is a great fighter, but he can't compete against somebody that size.

  8. Kimbo, easily.

    Yeah, Kimbo isn't the greatest fighter as far as technique goes (that may change if he keeps training with Bas), but he's still athletic and he's way too strong for Faber, Kimbo would win. There's a reason there are weight classes.

    But if Faber and Kimbo weighed the same, Faber would win, hands down.

  9. If faber fights like he does at his natural weight if it was possible for him to move up to heavyweight he would beat kimbo if his style and speed didnt change.Then i would chose faber but if faber was all fat and slow from moving up to heavyweight then i would chose kimbo to knock him out with 1 punch

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