
Urinary Intract Infection?

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ok so ive had urinary tract infection for almost 2 weeks!! i have antibiotics and ithelps but i accidently misread the bottle it says take 2 a day instead of one so i took 2 yesterday...

when i itch it burns and it itches so bad, that blood comes out but just tads here and there





  1. ooh you got a bad one. i get them all the time. did he only give u antibiotics because it takes a few days toreally start to heal. at the drug store they have a medicine called cystex it makes you pee red. but the pain and constant urge will subside. if u cant send someone stick a pad in you panties in case. and no matter how bad it hurts, drink as much as u can.if u cant find the brand cystex look for anything that says pee turns orangr or red and may stain cloths (you wont realize how much pee gets around untill u see red spots in weird places. go gogo get it at the drug stores

  2. depending on the antiboitic they gave you, you may have a yeast infection from the meds.  Go back to the doc.

  3. I had the same problem except maybe a little worse a couple of weeks ago, so I know how you feel. I tool the strongest antibiotics that they can give you and it still didn't work so I kept taking it till it was gone. So in the meantime I also got a yeast infection that was really itchy and it burned also. Well I was all out of solutions so I just went a bought some cortisone 10 and kept it on for about a week every time I went to the bathroom I would put more on. So I would say to keep taking the antibiotics and get some itch relief cream!

  4. A UTI shouldn't itch - I agree with the first commenter - go see your doctor to check for a yeast infection or possible STD.  How long have you been on antibiotics for?  If you've been taking the wrong dose for too long, the Dr. will probably need to strengthen the antibiotic, as the bacteria causing your UTI may have resistance to it now.

    Don't itch!!  Get some Vagisil in the mean time to help with the itching.  Good luck!

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